--- /dev/null
+Dynamic polymorphism in C++ requires that objects (such as instances
+of classes derived from an abstract base) be accessed through an
+indirection pointer because their actual type and size are not known
+at the point of usage. As a consequence, regular containers cannot
+store polymorphic objects directly: the usual workaround is to have
+containers of pointers to heap-allocated elements.
+When the particular traversal order is not relevant to the user
+application, Boost.PolyCollection proposes an alternative data
+structure that restores memory contiguity and packs elements according
+to their concrete type. Three container class templates are provided:
+- boost::base_collection
+- boost::function_collection
+- boost::any_collection
+respectively dealing with three different types of dynamic polymorphism available in C++:
+- Classic base/derived or OOP polymorphism.
+- Function wrapping in the spirit of std::function.
+- So-called duck typing as implemented by Boost.TypeErasure.
+The interface of these containers closely follows that of standard
--- /dev/null
+# $NetBSD$
+PKGNAME= boost-poly_collection-20170612
+DISTNAME= develop
+MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/boostorg/poly_collection/archive/
+MAINTAINER= brook@NetBSD.org
+HOMEPAGE= http://rawgit.com/joaquintides/poly_collection/website/doc/html/index.html
+COMMENT= Containers supporting dynamic polymorphism in C++
+LICENSE= boost-license
+WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/poly_collection-develop
+USE_TOOLS+= pax
+# XXX - remove this or add more to do-install and PLIST
+CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/include/boost/poly_collection
+.include "../../devel/boost-headers/buildlink3.mk"
+DEPENDS+= boost-headers>=1.62.0:../../devel/boost-headers
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+= include/boost/poly_collection share/examples/boost-poly_collection
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/include/boost/poly_collection && ${PAX} -rw . ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/include/boost/poly_collection
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/example && ${PAX} -rw . ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/boost-poly_collection
+.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
--- /dev/null
+@comment $NetBSD$