SUBDIR+= libretro-fbalpha
SUBDIR+= libretro-fceumm
SUBDIR+= libretro-fmsx
+SUBDIR+= libretro-freeintv
SUBDIR+= libretro-fuse
SUBDIR+= libretro-gambatte
SUBDIR+= libretro-genesis-plus-gx
--- /dev/null
+Libretro is a simple but powerful development interface that allows for
+the easy creation of emulators, games and multimedia applications that
+can plug straight into any libretro-compatible frontend. This development
+interface is open to others so that they can run these pluggable emulator
+and game cores also in their own programs or devices.
+FreeIntv is a libretro emulation core for the Mattel Intellivision
+designed to be compatible with joypads from the SNES era forward even
+if they originally required a number pad.
--- /dev/null
+FreeIntv requires the following BIOS image files for operation:
+* exec.bin (Executive ROM) - MD5 hash: 162e761035cb657903761800f4437b8af
+* grom.bin (Graphics ROM) - MD5 hash: 0cd5946c6473e42e8e4c2137785e427f
+In retroarch, you'll need to place them in the System Directory.
+Alternatively, you can place them in your Content Directory next to the
+software you are going to run.
--- /dev/null
+# $NetBSD$
+DISTNAME= libretro-freeintv-20180215
+CATEGORIES= emulators
+GITHUB_TAG= 1c4959359573619c65d789a89ecd3b5f05d30ca2
+COMMENT= Libretro core for Mattel Intellivision emulation
+LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3
+USE_TOOLS= gmake
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${MACHINE_ENDIAN} == "big"
+ ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libretro/
+.include "../../mk/"
--- /dev/null
+@comment $NetBSD$
--- /dev/null
+SHA1 (libretro-freeintv-20180215-1c4959359573619c65d789a89ecd3b5f05d30ca2.tar.gz) = 6e392f11b56421b0e407059aa3636f2c0df23ee2
+RMD160 (libretro-freeintv-20180215-1c4959359573619c65d789a89ecd3b5f05d30ca2.tar.gz) = 5702660319c90f42acd40b888d3ec1b6c8a80d37
+SHA512 (libretro-freeintv-20180215-1c4959359573619c65d789a89ecd3b5f05d30ca2.tar.gz) = 3bf11b726dbffd08f6c1522482c7cc017bbae4786d0dd65c3ab962ccac1550dd6a7ed0b3909888d89660c73408ad5d1af09c38cc7797a96a7973343301d54f30
+Size (libretro-freeintv-20180215-1c4959359573619c65d789a89ecd3b5f05d30ca2.tar.gz) = 675852 bytes