--- /dev/null
+This is the Hg-Git plugin for Mercurial, adding the ability to push
+and pull to/from a Git server repository from Hg. This means you can
+collaborate on Git based projects from Hg, or use a Git server as a
+collaboration point for a team with developers using both Git and Hg.
+The Hg-Git plugin can convert commits/changesets losslessly from one
+system to another, so you can push via an Hg repository and another Hg
+client can pull it and their changeset node ids will be identical -
+Mercurial data does not get lost in translation. It is intended that
+Hg users may wish to use this to collaborate even if no Git users are
+involved in the project, and it may even provide some advantages if
+you're using Bookmarks.
--- /dev/null
+# $NetBSD: $
+PKGVERSION= 0.9.0a1
+CATEGORIES= devel scm
+MASTER_SITES= https://foss.heptapod.net/mercurial/hg-git/-/archive/${PKGVERSION}/
+EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
+MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
+HOMEPAGE= https://hg-git.github.io/
+COMMENT= Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial
+LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
+DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-dulwich>=0.9.7:../../devel/py-dulwich
+.include "../../lang/python/egg.mk"
+.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
--- /dev/null
+@comment $NetBSD$