- An XSS vulnerability on the `qute://history` page allowed websites to inject
HTML into the page via a crafted title tag. This could allow them to steal
your browsing history. If you're currently unable to upgrade, avoid using
`:history`. A CVE request for this issue is pending, see
https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4011[#4011] for updates.
- Crash in a workaround for a Qt 5.11 bug in rare circumstances.
- Workaround for a Qt bug which preserves searches between page loads.
- In v1.3.2 a dependency on the `PyQt5.QtQuickWidgets` module was accidentally
introduced. Since that module isn't packaged everywhere, it's been removed
- QtWebEngine: Improved workaround for a bug in Qt 5.11 where only the
top/bottom half of the window is used.
- QtWebEngine: Work around a bug in Qt 5.11 where an endless loading-loop is
triggered when clicking a link with an unknown scheme.
- QtWebEngine: When switching between pages with changed settings, less
unnecessary reloads are done now.
- QtWebEngine: It's now possible to open external links such as `magnet://` or
`mailto:` via hints.
# $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME= qutebrowser-1.3.1
+DISTNAME= qutebrowser-1.3.3
-GITHUB_TAG= v1.3.1
+GITHUB_TAG= v1.3.3
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= https://qutebrowser.org/
-SHA1 (qutebrowser-1.3.1.tar.gz) = 579071321ae5219b65cd1ab655e3cf34a8d55559
-RMD160 (qutebrowser-1.3.1.tar.gz) = b8da36d5e780da5e96da0d98fa2e2666a3478f98
-SHA512 (qutebrowser-1.3.1.tar.gz) = 17eacf3e5cff4d4e0f700d787878905d93716639c9e6f63d4a6cadcfe7b8b2feb37c7c953ed3bd3fa865a631f568c5d99bd2822a60788c54dbf39c807007f970
-Size (qutebrowser-1.3.1.tar.gz) = 3102343 bytes
+SHA1 (qutebrowser-1.3.3.tar.gz) = ffc06f254105a8ba62242580e3cfce5f8e18b27c
+RMD160 (qutebrowser-1.3.3.tar.gz) = 00191825870bc6f2eb240524627f60a006d7292f
+SHA512 (qutebrowser-1.3.3.tar.gz) = d51a1ffad80a8906a4293bd5c83f13109e89b58e0d3c140ab7ecbae9a6d02ba04486503a1acd5c04ef942d4aa6af65277a8d50de665704498dfa4bd1bc5b4d5c
+Size (qutebrowser-1.3.3.tar.gz) = 3103024 bytes