WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/canu-${PV}/src
-PV= 1.7
+PV= 1.7.1
SITE_PERL_REL= lib/perl5/site_perl
-SHA1 (canu-1.7.tar.gz) = aaaafd8516be5e4d725af407bc84b3c6f178b2ac
-RMD160 (canu-1.7.tar.gz) = bd394bb6dcebd43d2793ca1aa9bd60ec6be75beb
-SHA512 (canu-1.7.tar.gz) = dbc1dca4df4117521143843bb781227f4dfde5ba7068e47b51ccf9e9dba45eb2629b5773531e4f362f1df05eab3f1a62088c5fa231d3624af23f11d97e7a4edf
-Size (canu-1.7.tar.gz) = 2533016 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-pipelines_canu_Defaults.pm) = 7364fae68e26140b31e89c5a7cd238d0922e5310
-SHA1 (patch-pipelines_canu_Execution.pm) = 91ba9e00a61af96a911c7601689b97e4fc9a725a
+SHA1 (canu-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 9f3d0d07d9cf3b5430d4321f152565cc5196cb86
+RMD160 (canu-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 14f3b48584e2ffce8de3910f348fb0b5802910e6
+SHA512 (canu-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 50b2219b284292248b001c72adf80dee2fde375bc1b84e6007842b89f0a5995b862cba1dcaf40284a8f77719da035a98b36005e2958cd4397553c0878c38910c
+Size (canu-1.7.1.tar.gz) = 2535055 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-pipelines_canu_Defaults.pm) = 987c1e370bc81381824f86001f70da66ea251524
+SHA1 (patch-pipelines_canu_Execution.pm) = 4c8ad9a3be08a8e5885e3ef35dca33e85c344547
-# Add slurm job limits
+# Add resource limits for SLURM
---- pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm.orig 2018-02-27 13:46:07 UTC
+--- pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm.orig 2018-06-22 08:20:52.000000000 +0000
+++ pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm
-@@ -637,6 +637,15 @@ sub setExecDefaults ($$) {
- my $tag = shift @_;
- my $name = shift @_;
+@@ -812,6 +812,16 @@ sub setDefaults () {
+ setDefault("gridEngineArraySubmitID", undef, "Grid engine configuration, not documented");
+ setDefault("gridEngineJobID", undef, "Grid engine configuration, not documented");
-+ $global{"slurmCormhapTaskLimit"} = undef;
-+ $synops{"slurmCormhapTaskLimit"} = "Max corhmap tasks that can run at once";
++ ##### Slurm-specific parameters for controlling the number of
++ ##### cores / tasks dispatched per step or globally (WIP)
-+ $global{"slurmArrayTaskLimit"} = undef;
-+ $synops{"slurmArrayTaskLimit"} = "Max tasks that can run at once";
++ setDefault( 'slurmCormhapCoreLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of cores allocated for MHAP pre-computing and alignment within the correction phase' );
++ setDefault( 'slurmOvbCoreLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of single-core tasks dispatched for the ovlStore bucketizing step within the trimming phase' );
++ setDefault( 'slurmOvsCoreLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of single-core tasks dispatched for the ovlStore sorting step within the trimming phase' );
++ setDefault( 'slurmRedCoreLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of cores allocated for read error detection within the unitigging phase' );
++ setDefault( 'slurmArrayTaskLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of tasks permitted for each step throughout assembly' );
++ setDefault( 'slurmArrayCoreLimit', undef, 'Maximum number of cores allocated for each step throughout assembly' );
-+ $global{"slurmArrayCoreLimit"} = undef;
-+ $synops{"slurmArrayCoreLimit"} = "Max cores we can allocate at once";
- $global{"gridOptions${tag}"} = undef;
- $synops{"gridOptions${tag}"} = "Grid engine options applied to $name jobs";
+ ##### Grid Engine Pipeline
+ setDefault("useGrid", 1, "If 'true', enable grid-based execution; if 'false', run all jobs on the local machine; if 'remote', create jobs for grid execution but do not submit; default 'true'");
-# Add slurm job limits
+# Add resource limits for SLURM
---- pipelines/canu/Execution.pm.orig 2018-02-27 13:46:07 UTC
+--- pipelines/canu/Execution.pm.orig 2018-06-22 08:20:52.000000000 +0000
+++ pipelines/canu/Execution.pm
@@ -303,10 +303,6 @@ sub skipStage ($$@) {
sub getInstallDirectory () {
my $off = 0;
# In some grids (SGE) this is the maximum size of an array job.
-@@ -725,8 +721,30 @@ sub buildGridArray ($$$$) {
+@@ -725,8 +721,42 @@ sub buildGridArray ($$$$) {
$off = "-F \"$off\"";
- $opt =~ s/ARRAY_JOBS/$bgn-$end/g; # Replace ARRAY_JOBS with 'bgn-end'
+ if( $opt =~ m/(ARRAY_NAME)/ )
+ {
-+ $opt =~ s/$1/$name/; # Replace ARRAY_NAME with 'job name'
++ $opt =~ s/$1/$name/; # Replace ARRAY_NAME with 'job name'
+ }
+ elsif( $opt =~ m/(ARRAY_JOBS)/ )
+ {
-+ $opt =~ s/$1/$bgn-$end/; # Replace ARRAY_JOBS with 'bgn-end'
++ $opt =~ s/$1/$bgn-$end/; # Replace ARRAY_JOBS with 'bgn-end'
-+ if( lc( getGlobal( 'gridEngine' ) ) eq 'slurm' && $end > 1 )
-+ {
-+ if( $name =~ m/mhap/i && defined getGlobal( 'slurmCormhapTaskLimit' ) )
-+ {
-+ $opt .= '%' . getGlobal( 'slurmCormhapTaskLimit' );
-+ }
-+ elsif( defined getGlobal( 'slurmArrayTaskLimit' ) )
-+ {
-+ $opt .= '%' . getGlobal( 'slurmArrayTaskLimit' );
-+ }
-+ elsif( defined getGlobal( 'slurmArrayCoreLimit' ) )
-+ {
-+ $opt .= '%' . int( getGlobal( 'slurmArrayCoreLimit' ) / $thr );
-+ }
-+ }
++ if( lc( getGlobal( 'gridEngine' ) ) eq 'slurm' && $end > 1 )
++ {
++ if( $name =~ m/^cormhap_/i && defined getGlobal( 'slurmCormhapCoreLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . int( getGlobal( 'slurmCormhapCoreLimit' ) / $thr );
++ }
++ elsif( $name =~ m/^ovb_/i && defined getGlobal( 'slurmOvbCoreLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . getGlobal( 'slurmOvbCoreLimit' );
++ }
++ elsif( $name =~ m/^ovs_/i && defined getGlobal( 'slurmOvsCoreLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . getGlobal( 'slurmOvsCoreLimit' );
++ }
++ elsif( $name =~ m/^red_/i && defined getGlobal( 'slurmRedCoreLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . int( getGlobal( 'slurmRedCoreLimit' ) / $thr );
++ }
++ elsif( defined getGlobal( 'slurmArrayTaskLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . getGlobal( 'slurmArrayTaskLimit' );
++ }
++ elsif( defined getGlobal( 'slurmArrayCoreLimit' ) )
++ {
++ $opt .= '%' . int( getGlobal( 'slurmArrayCoreLimit' ) / $thr );
++ }
++ }
+ }
return($opt, $off);
-@@ -870,7 +888,7 @@ sub buildGridJob ($$$$$$$$$) {
+@@ -870,7 +900,7 @@ sub buildGridJob ($$$$$$$$$) {
my $jobNameT = makeUniqueJobName($jobType, $asm);
my ($jobName, $jobOff) = buildGridArray($jobNameT, $bgnJob, $endJob, getGlobal("gridEngineArrayName"));