RMD160 (qcad- = 7deec07e81d17c3a80ef67314a53b650c7509ebb
SHA512 (qcad- = d3d9ae386920ec5102ab8c49c0a3967994dbae0b9b04b256d64ccd6fcf865ae3c26770204fec3c2feecddf91b4cfe12997fe9a975f5ccc78bb5c88c2012d0696
Size (qcad- = 37420623 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-qcad.1) = 74501775e11319b8385867c944f17c9dd67e3377
SHA1 (patch-src_3rdparty_dxflib_src_dl__writer.h) = 21e99b53bcb964c9dc010a6013a5ed9f028738d2
SHA1 (patch-src_3rdparty_quazip_quazip.pro) = 76f0f38b8e8ac8fc441685ae13a12f68385b5298
SHA1 (patch-src_3rdparty_spatialindexnavel_spatialindexnavel.pro) = b641f00398fb4d7bc5c80c6597d23252b0667dec
--- /dev/null
+fix spelling mistakes
+--- qcad.1.orig 2016-07-01 07:13:14.000000000 +0000
++++ qcad.1
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Enables the script debugger. NOT recomm
+ behavior when using QCAD.
+ .TP
+ \-debug-action-order
+-Print action oder information in menus
++Print action order information in menus
+ .TP
+ \-autostart \fIscript-file\fR
+ Starts the given script file instead of the default scripts/autostart.js. Note
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ that with this option, QCAD is not start
+ implemented in the given script.
+ .TP
+ \-exec \fIscript-file\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ]
+-Executes the given script file directly after staring QCAD. Options after the
++Executes the given script file directly after starting QCAD. Options after the
+ script file are passed on to the script.
+ .TP
+ \-gui-css-file \fICSS-file\fR