Release announcement:
A new gameplay version is here! Features some new mechanics, rebalancing, UI
improvements, and bug fixes. Replays and saves are not compatible with 1.9.x.
Thanks to many contributors: Andy Bayer, Antony Boucher, zenzombie, bleakley,
Byron Altice, Jon Knapp, Konstantin Mikhailov, Nathan Fenner, RojjaCebolla,
SanatMishra, anaseto, austen0, flend, pender, and withinwheels.
Notable changes
* It is now possible to fall through chasms into deep water, without damage.
Falling into shallow water or bog deals half the damage as hitting hard
Items falling through chasms may now land into deep water, another chasm,
* Rebalance Staff of Obstruction builds by (1) preventing crystals from
persisting on cells occupied by creatures, and (2) allowing hunting
to remain hunting as long as they are close enough and can see the player,
even if impassable transparent terrain is between them.
* Cautious monsters now enter corridors if they have been attacked recently
are below 50% health.
* Allies will no longer attack or cast spells at sacrifice targets.
* Aiming at a target now automatically aims for or avoids enemies/allies/
depending on the projectile type. This removes most of the need to aim for
cell beyond your intended target to get the best result. It also applies to
spells cast by enemies!
* Increased average damage for flails by 0.5, and flails now have a 2.5% (up
from 0%) chance to be runic.
* Added a sanctuary tile in front of spark turret vaults to prevent allies
destroying the turrets.
* Scrolls of sanctuary can now be used on brimstone and obsidian.
* Added a hybrid graphical mode that uses text for creatures and items but
graphical tiles for everything else.
* The sidebar and monster details now prominently display that a monster has
been affected by negation.
* The message archive is now larger, and can be navigated with the up and
arrow keys. Holding shift scrolls one line at a time, holding control jumps
the end.
* Pressing "w" will hot-swap between recently equipped gear, enabling
weapon/armor/ring juggling.
* "Untempted" feat has been added, for picking up no gold.
* "Mystic" feat has been renamed to "Ascetic".
Bug fixes and other changes
* The save game feature is now out of beta!
* Fixed a bug causing the game to crash when polymorphing a lich or phoenix.
* Seeds are now 64-bits, going up to
18446744073709551615! There are now 2
billion times more dungeons to explore!
* Wands of negation auto-ID if the bolt has an effect. A combat message is
for any monster affected by negation.
* When wearing known respiration armor, don't warn when stepping on immune
* Staff descriptions now report the number of turns since their last use.
* Fixed a bug where summoned minions could spawn with a carried item which
then deleted, making it unavailable for future monster drops and leading to
differences in available items for players playing the same seed.
* When throwing a potion, auto-targeting is now enabled only for potions
to be malevolent. When throwing a melee weapon, auto-targeting is now
* Fixed a bug with machine rooms where events (such as guardian movement)
trigger twice.
* Dungeon generation on ARM processors is now the same as with x86.
* Fixed doors sometimes being generated adjacent to one another.
* Fixed a bug that caused negated weapons and armor to remain illuminated
out of line of sight.
* Fixed a bug which slightly delayed the reset of stuck status after blinking
teleporting in or out of a web/net. Adjacent monsters at the destination
afforded a free hit while the player was "dangling helplessly" in error.
* Repeated messages now sometimes collapse together with a count.
* Use 24-bit colors when the terminal supports it (curses build).
* Brogue now starts with a reasonable window size on ultra-wide monitors.