+++ /dev/null
-DBIx::Simple provides a simplified interface to DBI,
-Perl's powerful database module.
-This module is aimed at rapid development and easy maintenance.
-Query preparation and execution are combined in a single method
-the result object (which is a wrapper around the statement
-handle) provides easy row-by-row and slurping methods.
-The query method returns either a result object, or a dummy object.
-The dummy object returns undef (or a empty list) for all methods
-when used in boolean context, is false. The dummy object
-lets you postpone (or skip) error checking, but it also
-makes immediate error checking simply
-$db->query(...) or die $db->error
+++ /dev/null
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2012/10/04 10:45:25 asau Exp $
-DISTNAME= DBIx-Simple-1.37
-CATEGORIES= databases perl5
-MAINTAINER= ficovh@yahoo.com
-HOMEPAGE= https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Simple
-COMMENT= DBIx::Simple - Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
-DEPENDS+= p5-DBI>=1.21:../../databases/p5-DBI
-PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/DBIx/Simple/.packlist
-.include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"
-.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
+++ /dev/null
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2012/06/18 14:11:53 uccwen Exp $
-RMD160 (DBIx-Simple-1.37.tar.gz) = 5b3744d44d0c5506f36d49e8df80b420514f918f
-SHA512 (DBIx-Simple-1.37.tar.gz) = f79b26bf52db33629950bc95f6c17dd13a2af135deeaf6ff5b0570ad852911fd0d27196636e605a93e9b3d740699110f2ece7abc24fcbbfd08a2f3ddce5d65b0
-Size (DBIx-Simple-1.37.tar.gz) = 20397 bytes