+++ /dev/null
-64tass is cross assembler targeting the 65xx series of micro processors.
-- Open source portable C with minimal dependencies
-- Familiar syntax to Omicron TASS and TASM
-- Supports 6502, 65C02, R65C02, W65C02, 65CE02, 65816, DTV, 65EL02, 4510
-- Arbitrary-precision integers and bit strings, double precision floating point
- numbers
-- Character and byte strings, array arithmetic
-- Handles UTF-8, UTF-16 and 8 bit RAW encoded source files, Unicode character
- strings
-- Supports Unicode identifiers with compatibility normalization and optional
- case insensitivity
-- Built-in "linker" with section support
-- Various memory models, binary targets and text output formats (also
- Hex/S-record)
-- Assembly and label listings available for debugging or exporting
-- Conditional compilation, macros, structures, unions, scopes
+++ /dev/null
-# $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME= 64tass-1.59.3120-src
-MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
-HOMEPAGE= https://sourceforge.net/projects/tass64/
-COMMENT= Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors
-LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 # or-later
-INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/doc/64tass
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.html ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/64tass
-.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"
+++ /dev/null
-@comment $NetBSD$
+++ /dev/null
-BLAKE2s (64tass-1.59.3120-src.zip) = b17809b396ef429bf1c948643aacb2db70fcd07c52723ddadca3943c0f0109f2
-SHA512 (64tass-1.59.3120-src.zip) = 4cbccdcd05397937e410a00c6459b3c5df131e15b9e2ce78d493cf2eb3859c1ad6a6b56be05736f1f0d376a357c308b85e54f69973f4083c9e6e6c2b0326a2ac
-Size (64tass-1.59.3120-src.zip) = 752572 bytes
SUBDIR+= 2048-c
SUBDIR+= 3dsconv
SUBDIR+= 4ti2
-SUBDIR+= 64tass
SUBDIR+= 7z-bin
SUBDIR+= 8cc-git
SUBDIR+= emacs-pr-el
SUBDIR+= emacs-session
SUBDIR+= emacs-viewer-git
+SUBDIR+= emacs-w3m
SUBDIR+= emacs-w3m-cvs
SUBDIR+= email-oauth2-proxy
SUBDIR+= emerald
SUBDIR+= qbe-git
SUBDIR+= qcdloop
SUBDIR+= qemu-git
+SUBDIR+= qemu-virtfs-netbsd
SUBDIR+= qico
SUBDIR+= qiew
SUBDIR+= qira
SUBDIR+= wjelement
SUBDIR+= wkhtmltopdf
SUBDIR+= wl-git
+SUBDIR+= wl-snapshot
SUBDIR+= wla-dx
SUBDIR+= wla-dx-git
SUBDIR+= wlroots