Thing 140, in Valiant.wad dehacked, is changing the rocket smoke to
a monster. When the rocket-launcher is fired, a monster immediately
appears and explodes the rocket.
The line has: Thing 140 (Avanc... (DOG SLOT)).
In Eternity Engine MT_DOG = 140, but in PrBoom MT_DOG = 138, but in
Legacy MT_DOG = 143.
Legacy savegames are dependent, as will be Legacy specific wads.
This cannot be fixed by moving the MT_DOG code.
For Thing numbers in the range 138..150, have added an additional
test of the dehacked text.
Have created a table of a characteristic words that might appear for each
of the thing numbers in this range. If one of these words is found,
the thing number is changed to our MT code.
This fixes the rocket-launcher in Valiant.wad.
VERS= 1.48.8
#PKGNAME= doomlegacy-${VERS}
-SVNVERS= 1602
+SVNVERS= 1603
DISTNAME= doomlegacy-devel-0r${SVNVERS}